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My Car is Stolen and the Garage is Left Damaged, Should I Use Both Auto and Home Insurance Policies to Claim for the Losses in Albany, New York?

When a vehicle is stolen from your garage in Albany, New York, you may find yourself wondering about your options to replace the vehicle and repair the damage to your garage. Although it may seem easy to make a claim with your home insurance policy for the garage repairs and the auto policy for the theft, the best solution will actually depend on your coverage and the situation.

Home Policies

A home insurance policy will usually cover the damage to your garage up to a certain point. If your vehicle was stolen from the garage after it was damaged, then your homeowners insurance may or may not offer compensation for that theft.

The only way to determine if your car was covered under the policy is calling your insurance provider and asking about the situation. Your coverage may or may not provide protection for the vehicle.

Auto Coverage

Your auto insurance protection in Saratoga Springs or Schenectady may not cover the cost of financial losses from the damage to your garage. It will ultimately depend on the situation and the amount of protection that you purchased.

Even if your policy will not cover the damage to the garage, a comprehensive plan will cover the theft of your vehicle. Provide proof of the theft and the damaged garage to determine how much the insurer will provide to replace the vehicle.

If your vehicle was stolen and property on your house was damaged, then it may be necessary to contact both insurance providers to repair the damages and pay for the replacement of the vehicle. To learn more about the way coverage works and your options, contact us to talk to an independent agent.